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Madison Metropolitan School District

Traffic Safety Concerns

Traffic Light

Although many people are available to help students connect with their families, no one at the school has the authority to do more than educate adults about the traffic system used at Sandburg. With our new signs and the streets becoming more congested, here are a few important reminders about the traffic rules at Sandburg: 

  1. Obey all posted signs.
  2. Do not park where the buses drop children off, even if you just plan to open the door to let your child out.
  3. The staff parking lot is not available for drop off or pick up.
  4. Children should be dropped off on the school side of the street. Having them cross the street during this time is exceptionally dangerous.
  5. If you need to go into the school for just a few minutes, there is 10-minute parking on Donald Street.
  6. Do not call children across the street as they may cross in front of a bus and the bus driver nor other cars on the street can see them. 

Finally, we would like to thank everyone for helping with this and making our community safe for our students and families.